zerocom | Hello guys ... |
tekmage | We have the author of Scalos with us now |
UGN-Speak | Now listen to Stefan Sommerfeld! |
tekmage | queue is platon42, Manowar2 |
UGN-Speak | Zerocom, its your time now. |
tekmage | queue is planton42, manowar2, mad-alex, joule |
platon42 | zerocom: I wonder why developers still don't use enforcer/mungwall (i assume you don't - no offence if i'm wrong) - i'd really like to register scalos but at the current amount of enforcerhits i just can't do it. otherwise, it's a really great product. just fix the bugs and i'll buy it. ga (tekmage: it's platon, not planton or plankton!) |
zerocom | I havn't seen any enforcerhits. Just send it to me and I will remove them |
zerocom | GA |
Manowar2 | zerocom:is it true that Scalos V2.0 will support PPC ? If so which kernel ?..are u a OS3.5 developer ?GA |
tekmage | If you have a question about Scalos please /msg tekmage with a "?", thank you |
zerocom | Yes, I've planned it. Probably I'll support the H&P 68k Emu and there will be no 68k + PPC version only native ones |
zerocom | GA |
tekmage | queue is joule, newlook |
mad-alex | Do you think it is worth adding to or replacing the OS on the NG? Will ScalOs be wound up? Will you help make the NG? (GA) |
zerocom | Scalos is not and will never be a OS replacement it more like a DOS interface ... and I'm not in the OS 3.5 team ;) |
zerocom | GA |
tekmage | queue is joule, newlook, platon42 |
jOule | What do you think about the future of ScalOS; what about the threats, opus magellan 2 and the new amiga os 3.5? How will you ensure the survival and make it stand the competition? GA |
zerocom | The next version V2 will be completely new. It will not only be a Workbench replacement. It's planned to make it look like what ever you want. Win95 or Dopus or old WB ... |
zerocom | GA |
aTmosh | newlook GA |
newlook | After sending enforcer logs to you and informing you that segtracker etc IS running and IS in the proper order why have you not yet corrected the problems and/or replied to such bug reports? I for one have sent you logs with your responses being that I |
newlook | am running something incorrectly and this is not the case. I am a developer and do know how to use these tools. GA |
newlook | heh |
tekmage | queue is platon42, Manowar2 |
zerocom | If you sent me hits with SegTracker I would remove it, but without these infos I cannot do anything |
zerocom | GA |
platon42 | Haage&Partner just told us (well, this is my interpretation), that there will be no 68k emulation as 'it doesn't make any sense on current ppc boards'. don't you think a 68k emulation would be essential, nevertheless if there's scalosppc or not? is ppc development (in your opinion) possible at the current warpup/ppc l |
platon42 | ibrary situation? as what just newlook said, would this happen to me aswell (and i DO run segtracker)? :) ga. |
newlook | (as do I) |
tekmage | queue is manowar2, jOule |
zerocom | The 68k emu will give the developers new possiblities to improve there programs. |
zerocom | No cache problems and no big context-change overhead. |
zerocom | Scalos wouldn't make much sence the the current PPC system. It doesn't have many time consuming routines. |
zerocom | GA |
Manowar2 | zerocom:do u plan new versions of MCP and SysSpeed ?GA |
tekmage | queue is jOule |
zerocom | Michael is working on MCP V2 (a complete rewrite). There are no planings about a new SysSpeed |
zerocom | GA |
jOule | You said that ScalOS will be able to look like win95, opus or whatever. Yes, the GUI is important, but if you want to ensure the survival the most important is the functionality, right? Can you give us example of features that will be added concerning this matter... GA |
tekmage | queue is platon42 |
atmosh | want to close it for the next guy? |
tekmage | queue is - |
tekmage | queue is metalgear |
zerocom | I tried verious system in the last months to look for new cool features. Scalos will not be a program like it right now. |
zerocom | I will be an interface to does. Which means Scalos V2 will be a library just like MUI. |
tekmage | queue is metalgear |
atmosh | platon lost his question |
zerocom | It will be possible to use it and make an interface you want. Of course there will be programs in the package to run it like the current version, |
zerocom | but the missing API in the current release is fixed. I plan to make a small DOpus4 like tool, because many people like it. |
zerocom | Of course there will be network and multiuser support and it will comunicate with other tools. |
zerocom | Many Vapor tools will be supported for drag and drop and more ... |
zerocom | GA |
tekmage | last question jOule |
tekmage | queue is closed |
MetalGear | Will ScalOS 2 be a MUI alike? Drag&Drop, context menus.... 2) when will be available?? |
MetalGear | ga |
zerocom | Yes, alike, but not a MUI replacement. There will be not a full set of gadgets, but most part are inpirred by MUI. Instead of MUI it will have full multitasking. |
UGN-Speak | Hi Stefan ! Sometimes I do discover corrupt Icons when scrolling in windows. I am using Scalos 1.1 reg. on an A4000 w/CV3d and P96/16 bit. Using CGX this does not occur. GA |
zerocom | I could give a release date yet. I only can say not these year. Early next year will be the first beta versions for developers. |
zerocom | GA |
zerocom | UGN-Speak: Any examples to test it? I havn't these problems. |
jOule | The features sounds very interesting and my first reaction is thinking about the register fee.. :) consider it a question. GA |
zerocom | If anyone has more questions join the Scalos mailinglist (infos on or mail me. |
UGN-Speak | zerocom: Take a Harddisk- or Drawer-window and scroll through the Icons with the scrollbars. |
zerocom | UGN-Speak: newest P96 version ? |
UGN-Speak | zerocom: Scrolling back and forward again, the icons are again O.K. |
tekmage | UGN-speak best send some email |
UGN-Speak | zerocom: yepp ! 1.41a |
tekmage | Thank you zerocom for joining us here on IRC! |
zerocom | UGN-Speak: yes ... email me please |
UGN-Speak | tek: You're right. Let Anja take over ! |